Poet/Artist/Child of God/Heaven Flyer


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASun shining brightly in the sky

Jim is watching with keen eye.

For he notices props set up for audience to see

used in “Sarah’s Special Birthday” reading.

Palm Beach photographer shows up soon

taking photos at high noon.

Children wear costumes with wands in hand

bringing magic to Krendoll land.

Melodie pops out of box

she is happy with no socks.

Now Razel doesn’t show her face

Happy story — she has no place.

Then UniCandle unicorn lights the cake

making children anticipate–

for there is magic in the air–

will Sarah Star receive her present

with moon beam glare?

Happy ending does unfold

Sue Chevalier the storyteller just had told

A rhyming poem with characters with special powers

This all happened within an hour.

Books where signed on the spot

along with photos that where shot

to capture the happy memories

of this day in Lake Worth city.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 6, 2011

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