Children Need Good Role Models
We Are To Discern What We See and Hear
Our Families of Today are like Cane and Abel

We are spiritually responsible for our children’s spiritual protection. We need to stop dressing our kids up in Halloween costumes–making our kids vulnerable to the dark forces. Remember we wrestle not with the flesh but principalities, forces of darkness in the spiritual realm.
PARADE OF PRAISE for our Lord Jesus Christ
Quote We were meant to be Holy like God
Dear Heavenly Father, We Pray For More Adoptions
Quote by Suzae Chevalier
“If I knew the True Gospel of Jesus Christ
when I was a child,
I would of never went to psychics who are
bringing everyone’s soul to hell because their
demons are telling them
there is no hell.”
by Suzae Chevalier
2014 by Suzae Chevalier
QUOTES by Suzae Chevalier
”Spreading the Love is the easiest thing to raise the vibration of the planet and make it more peaceful.”
”We are limitless souls incarnate in a human body, it’s hard enough doing that but we agreed to it before we came here.”
”WE are One Family, if we just remember that we can solve all our societie’s problems in regards to race.”
”WE were all Babies at one time, if we can just remember that, and realize we were innocent, we can have more compassion for anyone that has wronged us.”
”Your thoughts and behaviors go with you to the other side, so I think it is important to work on that while we are here then place so much importance on material things over inner work.”
”Everything is a gift, because you can’t take it with you. If you can remember that, the next time you lose something or someone steals from you, you will see it in a new light.”
”Trees are the survivors on this planet. Look at how they live outside in the cold. They even have it in their dna to survive the cold. They will outlive all of us, the planet needs them more.”
Quotes by Suzae Chevalier on September 18, 2015 Copyright 2015