Monthly Archives: February 2016
Thank You Jesus For Saving My Life by Suzae Chevalier
Thank You Jesus for being with me in the womb
Thank You Jesus for being with me to my tomb-
this is where I will be resurrected and come
to life–
in a glorified body that can not be harmed
with a knife.
Thank You Jesus for fighting my spiritual battles
all the time
without You I would not shine.
Thank You Jesus for your sacrifice–
Thank You for giving me a new life.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 28, 2018
Visits Peru by Suzae Chevalier
I visit Peru in the month of May
I meet little Peruvian children on my way.
I will make more trips across the seas-
I will visit other countries.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 26, 2018
Children of Peru
Help Children of Peru by Suzae Chevalier
Children of Peru are happy to see–
any of your love and generosity.
They need assistance from you-
so please help children of Peru
by going to
to help a child have a fun day–
The organization set up in the UK in
in nineteen ninety seven
bringing some love from heaven.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 26, 2016
Days Past by Suzae Chevalier
Holidays are a cherished time
for my childlike mind.
my belief in Jesus
was still not clear
one day I would be His “Little Dear”–
Going to bed on a Holiday night-
I could not wait for the gifts of gifts to arrive
and on that day Jesus makes our new bodies stay forever alive.
These are memories of old holiday past-
only the future in heaven will really last.
Written on February 25, 2016 by Suzae Chevalier
updated on March 15, 2019
Pink Hat in Lake Worth by Suzae Chevalier
In Lake Worth on a sunny day
a pink hat is on Suzae Chevalier.
Smiles galore
her friend in Minnesota
makes a portrait
which she does adore.
He put up on Facebook
for friends to have a look.
Now it is on Google plus
it is on a post for all of us.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 27, 2
“Dad Why is This So?” by Suzae Chevalier
Sitting in Dad’s arms when I was young
I knew the fun had just begun.
Exploring the world in minute detail-
I knew I could do anything without fail.
I set out to question my dad-
“Why does this dog look so sad?”
He replied without getting mad
Why do you ask so many questions
Suzy dear?
I say “I want to know
he has sad eyes with a tear.”
My question baffled my dad so
he was used to questions
with a yes or no.
I would still to this day
ask myself questions on like
“Why is the world is this way?”
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 24, 2016
Little Baby Suzy and Her Teddy Bear by Suzae Chevalier
Little baby Suzy loved her teddy bear
she would take him everywhere.
He was with her in New Jersey
and then on the plane-
they went to Midwest
where they had lakes and plains.
She ended up in Minnesota
in Golden Valley on Sunny Drive-
she was happy playing
she brought her dolls and teddy bear alive.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 24, 2016
Schook the Malamute that loved Suzae by Suzae Chevalier
Schook the malamute that did love
the cold feel of the bathroom tub.
He only liked Suzae besides the owner Steve
he was always by Suzae’s side
he did not leave.
He and Suzae got along real well-
almost better than her doll named Mel.
Schook was pure malamute and Suzae
would run another malamute one day.
She would walk him with TaShieka
and Dunkin was his name.
Now Dunkin, TaShieka and Schook
are passed on-
But they are still in Suzae’s heart
so they are not far gone.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 24, 2016
Little Suzy’s by Suzae Chevalier
Little Suzy loved to play
she gave every toy a unique name.
She had beds for toys lined up in a line
she gave good night kisses every night.
Her favorite one was her red head Christy
along with Tiffany Taylor
who is very tall.
Memories of childhood past
will be fond memories sure to last.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 24, 2016
updated on March 26, 2019