Monthly Archives: July 2015
James The Interesting Cat – Poem by Suzae Chevalier
James is his name and video is his game
he makes funny videos that are off the chain.
He admires all musicians from recent to past
like pianist Beethoven and Miles Davis’s original jazz.
James is a musician himself in his studio he has instruments.
Yes, masks that are totally cool, but his drums are original too.
Both have an African feel, even an island décor that is seems surreal.
James is from New York and wears a lot of bling
he wears a hat with sunglasses which is favorite thing.
He looks like a cool cat that has seen it all
especially in NYC where he was on the ball.
For he shot interesting photos for a famous magazine
he shot video interesting but clean.
James has a kind heart for he photographed me for free
at an Indian clothing store owned by John A. Rooney.
Thanks James for believing in the artist in me
and all the children you inspire and teach.
I forgot to tell you, my cousin really like the
wood airplane that was his favorite gift.
By Suzae Chevalier on August 23,2011
Updated on March 25, 2019
Spontaneous Photographer Allen Scwartz by Suzae Chevalier
Click, click Allen’s camera goes
he clicks away as I pose…
At the Hazelden Art Show
I had on display my inspirational poems.
Allen interviewed me back in 1999
he asked me about my books I was working on at the time.
Allen invited me down to the Sunshine state
he introduced me to artist at the ‘Hut’ which was great!
introducing me to artists like Alan, Jack Barry and Harry
Allen took photographs of party very merry!
Allen recorded me one day in the quaint Lake Worth town
with artist Harvey who had fun going around.
Allen then had dark hair with a new style-
I found this photograph of him and it brought me a smile.
I just saw Allen on Thanksgiving this year
Allen again who was full of good cheer.
Thanks Allen for being a friend with a playful soul-
I look forward to more of your fun photos that glow!
Baby Airplane 2000 by Suzae Chevalier
Flying back from Vegas in 2000 with my friend Ev
I was seating on the airplane I met a new friend.
She was a little girl who was crying and sad
I gave her a toy –
She became happy and glad.
She smiled while holding toy real tight
She didn’t want to let go she held on with her might
I had to tell her toy needed to go beddy bye…
She looked like she understood and gave back toy
With a smile.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on July 27, 2015
Northwood Tree by Suzae Chevalier
The year was 2017
I was painting in Northwood West Palm
painting outside on street
I painted clouds and a tree.
Group painted all day
we kept painting till storm went away.
Stopped in Toys R Us–
great results of fellow painters galore.
All paintings will be in art show some day
I will put my artwork on suzae.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on August 10, 2011
updated on July 17, 2018
Loyalty To Mary by Suzae Chevalier

Mary Villa, Angie and me at my 19th birthday in Cottage Grove, MN. It was 89 degrees that day and Reagan was in office. That was 30 years ago.
I get a call on my home phone
It is Mary asking me to come along.
She says to meet her at the bowling alley
She’s pregnant and really needs me.
I hop on a bus with bag for one
not realizing my adventure had just begun.
We stayed in an abandoned
building that very night,
We went through the
broken window with all our might.
Now the very next day–
We eat chocolate at grocery store and Tarjay.
That’s French for Target if you didn’t know-
now I digress, let’s move once more.
Time goes on and things come to an end-
I have to go home and leave my best friend.
It was worth it all the while-
Helping a friend who would one day have a child.
She had her baby in the fall
I came to the hospital when she did call.
Baby was so cute, cute as can be
She was the first child of my friend Mary.
Helping Mary I never did regret
As a true friend my loyalty was met.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on Feb.21,2011
Dad Is The Best Truck Driver by Suzae Chevalier
Dad’s full name Charles but you can call him Chuck
he was happiest when he was driving his Truck.
Peterbilt he says is the best-he won a “Safe Driver Award” for he was above the rest.
“Best Driver Of The Year” he was named, he had his award framed.
I will always remember the smell of gas
I love the smell, it would remind me of time gone past.
A memory in time of my childhood days
I sat in Dad’s Peterbilt at Dad’s Dahlen’s truck place
Dad started the engine and honked the horn it was very loud I did learn to scorn.
Respect “Truck Drivers” for they bring food and gas home they risk their life in a storm.
Dad would go on layovers, a 3 state run through these states he had a lot of fun.
He was an efficient driver he did always state, never falling asleep even when driving late.
He talked on the phone to all of his trucker friends
they had all kinds of stories that never did end.
I remember him coming home late one night—He looked tired but had a bite.
A very efficient driver he did always state he never fell asleep when he drove real late.
He talked on the phone to all of his trucker friends, trucker stories that never did end.
I remember him coming home late one night—he looked tired but had a bite.
4 hours of sleep he said he always had, he worked in the wee hrs. he was a brave Dad.
Thanks Dad for you are very dear, cherished childhood memories that bring a tear.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 6, 2013
Stylish Debra Ann by Suzae Chevalier
Debra Ann with her stylish green hat
knows how to dress, I can tell you that.
Debra Ann is a real friend that understands
she is the Big Sis I never had-she is sweet I am glad
glad we met that one sunny day
at Mother Earth’s Coffee shop
back by the tables with owner Patte’.
Debra was a friend that made sure I was feed
she bought me groceries and didn’t care how much she spent.
We have fun dancing at the Cottage Sunday nights
we dance up a storm dancing to the beat just right.
She makes me smile just seeing her
she calls me Sunshine and I brighten her world.
You make me smile also Debra Ann–
remember Bible Study where we laughed and laughed?
We ate pizza, and had a blast!
One day we will sale my coloring books at the fair
it will be a fun memory to share.
Thanks Anna for being a Big Sis and a friend
You bring you sunshine again and again!
Written By Suzae Chevalier on January 18, 2012
Kavasutra’s Relaxing Times by Suzae Chevalier
Kava is a relaxing drink
served cold by Mr. Pink.
Yes, go to Kavasutra on Lake
sit back and relax and feel great.
Owner Dillon started Kavasutra some years ago
also in West Palm Beach didn’t you know?
Now Funk Factory is going to play on November 14-
it will be great. Come meet
Yandi and even Draino,
they will serve you Kava all night till you go.
Now visit them on the net.
go to facebook, tweeter and your best bet.
their website which is
type a comment on their blog.
Then click your mouse around and go
to play some games and watch a video.
Or just stop down on Lake Ave.,
it will be the funniest time you ever had.
Written By Suzae Chevalier on November 13, 2011
Andy At Studio 205 – Poem by Suzae Chevalier

We are made in God’s image. We have free will to choose Jesus. His Word could not be fulfilled if He didn’t give us free will. We should Thank Him everyday that He gives us free will. Free will is gone once you die, if you die without Jesus you are separated from God for eternity. Everything good is from God. There is no goodness in hell.
Andy sits in Studio 205
that has many gifts on shelves inside
-like a scope that does collide.
Andy has every occasion greeting cards
-to send happy thoughts or your best regards.
He has spell books, and colored candles too
-interesting knick knacks, even voodoo.
Yes, a voodoo doll that is really cool.
Voodoo doll has the fantastic price of $9.99
place needles in pressure points on body so fine.
He has an armless chicken with a bikini on-
She looks respectful because she’s not wearing a thong
-unlike the room with the colorful dongs.
Andy helps people with problems no matter what day-
He is filled with wisdom and knows the right thing to say.
On my Birthday he gave me a mermaid Dora doll
-he knew I didn’t want a black & white stuffed cow.
I performed by reading Sarah’s Special Birthday
with my doll Melodie Mezoree’.
I was promoting my show in front of his store-
with Barnes & Noble reading flyers once more.
Andy supports local Artist and I remember him say-
“It’s all about you—not me today”
Andy just ran for City Commissioner
-in this Lake Worth town-
Andy gets the people’s vote-he won the crown!
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 9,2011
Maryanne Webber Gallery by Suzae Chevalier
Maryanne Webber Gallery is on Lurcerne Ave.
featuring fine American crafts, one of a kind jewelry and art glass.
Her gallery represents Florida artists and artists from around the USA
she has been open since 1990 and is very successful till this day.
Her gallery also has metal sculptures, hand silks and wearable art
her gallery represents Joan Edelstein, her Arts & Passion Scarf.
She also has sculptures made of clay, one of a kind and handmade.
Her gallery displays original Blue Vase of Elodie Holmes,
a beautiful sculptured piece to cherish in your home.
Also you will find a one of a kind Zip 20 Clock, by David Scherer Designs.
Home accessories that I find colorful and bright
is hand painted Tropical Wine Glasses by Leslie Millar to drink wine at night.
Maryanne’s gallery is open Monday through Friday,10 till 5 and Saturday 10 to 4
make sure you stop by and see what unique gifts her gallery has in store.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on November 12, 2011