Published on August 15, 2022

One night in my dream
I had a vision that was real
as can be.
My Aunt Audrey came and stood up in front of me.
she was in her wheelchair
and looked at me.
I told the holy angels to
put her back down
she went back down without a sound.
I asked her ‘Do you confess your sins to Jesus? ‘
and she replied,
‘Yes, I confess my sins to Jesus’.
and all of heaven’s holy angels
tooted their horns in the sky.
Later it was confirmed through
high revelation with Jesus on His throne
that my Aunt Audrey is in heaven,
she made it home!
Thank You Jesus for saving my Aunt Audrey’s life
and Holy Spirit for convicting her spirit
with all Your miracles so divine.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on August 15, 2022

“If we will follow God’s commandment Exodus 20:13
13 Thou shalt not kill. We would not have God’s judgement on us as a nation right now. “

God loves His babies and little children dear
He will give them eternal life for they are sincere.
Anyone that aborts a baby has killed a innocent life
They will pay in hell if they do not repent what was
done with a knife.
It is a spiritual law that was written long ago
God wrote it in the 10 Commandments and we
should teach our children you reap what you sow.
Meaning if you kill an innocent life because you think
that man’s law rules—
You will have to pay in eternity
out of ignorance or because you were a fool.
Please listen to what I do say—
This is not about having your own way-
This is a supernatural law that applies to everyone
Who is born in every age.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on May 4, 2019

My Mom Made It To Heaven

My mom made it to heaven! I saw her in a prophetic dream on a big white horse with 20 big white horses on either side of her. She is in the white sweater with sunglasses. Thank You Jesus for giving my mother salvation. Her sister Joanie is the first lady on the left.MY MOM’S IN HEAVEN
My mom’s in heaven this is true
She asked Jesus for forgiveness
And He gave her salvation
He loves her and gave her life—
She was reborn in the spirit
Reconciled to God
She will live in eternity
In the land of the living
Thank You Jesus for your hope and
Promises of salvation.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on December 15, 2018
There Once Was a Girl Named Suzy by Suzae Chevalier
There once was a girl named Suzy
who believed in Jesus
she was trying to figure out who he
really was…
and she wanted to know the answer from
God’s real Word because…
Because man had fallen into sin
Jesus came to make sure
we would be redeemed.
WE will be Saved…if we believe and confess
the Grace of God will take care of all the rest.
We who have been Saved
will go to Heaven to be with Jesus one day.
Now all this has been foretold,
The True Living God makes all the gold.
If God did not care
he wouldn’t have brought his
only Son
to redeem our soul and become
like the Holy One.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 28, 2018
Ask Jesus For Forgiveness
Will you not ask Jesus for forgiveness
because of your pride?
Or will you keep your pride and die?
For you only have one life to get it right
There is no future lives.
For if your heart humbly
tells Jesus you have sinned
by breaking all of God’s commandments
then Jesus will give you the Grace, Mercy
and Holy Spirit for your spirit will be
You will have eternal life in his
Glorious Kingdom.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 1, 2018
updated April 15, 2018
Days Past by Suzae Chevalier
Holidays are a cherished time
for my childlike mind.
my belief in Jesus
was still not clear
one day I would be His “Little Dear”–
Going to bed on a Holiday night-
I could not wait for the gifts of gifts to arrive
and on that day Jesus makes our new bodies stay forever alive.
These are memories of old holiday past-
only the future in heaven will really last.
Written on February 25, 2016 by Suzae Chevalier
updated on March 15, 2019