Poet/Artist/Child of God/Heaven Flyer

God’s Kingdom

Listen To People Screaming in Hell at End of Video


Praise the LORD for this message. Your name is on a chair in heaven in gold. You need to get into the Lambs Book of Life to enter heaven to sit in your chair. Where are you right now in your faith? If you are not saved in the spirit yet, you need to go to Jesus now for eternal life. If you die in your sleep you have no free will after that.

The world should convert to Christianity and not the other way around. We can not to praise a holy God with filth in the church. We must worship God in holiness. Rock is satanic and invented in hell. She will let you hear at end of video the sounds of people screaming in hell from miners that were in Hawaii on September 2, 1845’s Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge Because you have rejected knowledge. I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the law of God, I also will forget your children.


On Jan 27, 1977 I was working and standing in a pool of water at work thought the machine was grounded. No one knew I was getting electrocuted- I was cast into outer darkness-hell.

My sins began tormenting me. As I viewed each sin past before me in torment. First sin was not honoring my mother, simply sin of disobedience. For every sin I screamed in torment. Besides the screaming of others there was demons. They would say “We got you now, evil demons deceiving people who were blind spiritually.”

Worst yet I had the realization there was no hope to see God. Here is what is amazing I felt God’s right hand reach down and grabbed me out of hell. On earth his coworker heard him scream out of hell, his spirit came out of hell through Lord Jesus hand. Praise God!


When you watch bad movies you take into your Holy Temple filth through your eyes and you are defiling your Holy Temple. You have submitted to Antichrist. God will take away the truth from people in last days those who deny Him as Lord and Savior and you won’t be saved in End Days, go to Jesus Christ now and do this prayer: “Lord Jesus, please forgive me of my sins, I believe in my ❤ heart that you died for me at Mt Calvary. I commit to you today my heart. Please forgive me of my sins and wash me clean with your blood. I make you Lord and Savior everyday and confess daily. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus! Amen.” The Holy Spirit in you is holding back Antichrist. Careless, lazy Christians are going to be overcome by Antichrist, not going to be able stand. If you are careless to read Bible and things of God you won’t stand in these perilous days. 😥 many Christians will not make it and they will not overcome. Antichrist is looking worshipers by brainwashing you in bad movies, pagan holidays, being in the world with rock music abortions etc.

My Mom Made It To Heaven

My mom made it to heaven! I saw her in a prophetic dream on a big white horse with 20 big white horses on either side of her. She is in the white sweater with sunglasses. Thank You Jesus for giving my mother salvation. Her sister Joanie is the first lady on the left.MY MOM’S IN HEAVEN
My mom’s in heaven this is true
She asked Jesus for forgiveness
And He gave her salvation
He loves her and gave her life—
She was reborn in the spirit
Reconciled to God
She will live in eternity
In the land of the living
Thank You Jesus for your hope and
Promises of salvation.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on December 15, 2018

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