Jesus Poems
God’s Holy Spirit
God’s Holy Spirit
God’s Holy Spirit dwells within
He will always be there for you
As your comforter and friend.
You can call on Him day and night
He will protect you and make
Sure you are alright.
You must seek Him with all your heart
He’s promises are true and He will
Never depart-
From You-
For you are the fruit
Of His vine-
With Him and through Him
You become more divine.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 8, 2019
There Once Was a Girl Named Suzy by Suzae Chevalier
There once was a girl named Suzy
who believed in Jesus
she was trying to figure out who he
really was…
and she wanted to know the answer from
God’s real Word because…
Because man had fallen into sin
Jesus came to make sure
we would be redeemed.
WE will be Saved…if we believe and confess
the Grace of God will take care of all the rest.
We who have been Saved
will go to Heaven to be with Jesus one day.
Now all this has been foretold,
The True Living God makes all the gold.
If God did not care
he wouldn’t have brought his
only Son
to redeem our soul and become
like the Holy One.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 28, 2018
Thank you Jesus for giving mankind an upper hand
in your name against the devil.
People do not realize nor understand
what you have done in all of the land.
Hopefully one day they will one day will SEE
before it is too late for their soul is in hell for eternity
So hope and pray that one day they will listen and confess
Confess their sins, asking for forgiveness.
Then follow you
not a false religion
that is the untruth.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 28, 2018
Jesus Christ Rescued Me by Suzae Chevalier
Jesus Christ held out his hand to rescue me
floundering around set on a course of regret and tragedy.
Letting my soul wander to every unsafe shore
I did not know the dangers lurking at my soul’s door
But Jesus was there for he totally adores
deep down to my soul.
Now my soul is safe
I have a new life
from the misery of being a slave to sin
& mortal plight.
For Jesus was sad and sorrowful I do attest
he knew my depressing thoughts of total unhappiness.
Now with his Holy Spirit I have new eyes
I finally see and realize he Saved my life.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 26, 2018
Jesus Is Returning
Jesus’s empathy that dwells in our hearts
will bring peace to humanity and make a new start.
Jesus is coming back to reign forever more
when the new heaven is on earth leading us to heaven’s door.
his Holy Spirit is upon us now
giving us his Grace
His reign will
End all wars, and ruthless acts
Jesus will take away all of Satan’s demons and Satan’s attacks,
Look to the Holy Bible to see these truths
In Book of Revelations God will have his wrath.
But before that he will show his Mercy and Grace
once more to make sure we repent
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 24,2012
Updated April 19,2018
In My Heart I Want To Be Like Jesus
I want to be like Jesus
in my heart,
That is where I
meditate and pray
to Jesus everyday.
I trust in Jesus Christ
My roots will grow down
Christ will make my heart a
dwelling place.
Faith is of man’s heart, man’s spirit.
Only faith pleases God.
The word builds Christ.
In him I live I move I talk
throughout my day
the Holy Spirit is there
to show the way.
Written by Suzae Chevalier
Cup of God’s Wrath
Jesus drunk the Cup of God’s Wrath for us
did you know?
That is because he loved us so.
for God knew that for us to be
holy in his eyes
his only Son
had to die.
Before he was on the cross
he drunk that cup for all.
We are clothed in his righteousness
now we can wear white
when we walk in the spirit the rest of our lives.
We can drink the Cup of Forgiveness
for forgiven is our sins and pain
Praise Jesus for his name is above all names.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 1, 2018
Sherm Is Sweet
Sherm is Sweet a great friend indeed
he believes in Jesus
who watches him succeed.
Succeed on his walk
that he walks with
the Lord every single day
everyday no matter sunny
or rain.
Thank you Sherm
for being a good role
model for me
I will see you in heaven
by Jesus in his glory!
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 19, 2018
A SOULMATE IS A MIRROR by Suzae Chevalier
We all wish to have a soulmate
that is true–
when your hearts are together
like glue.
but I realize now
you want someone that has
found Jesus
and is Saved–
for you both are equally yoked
and you both are the same.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 27, 2018
Saved By Jesus Suzae Chevalier
Jesus Christ held out his hand to rescue me
floundering around set on a course of regret and tragedy.
Letting my soul wander to every unsafe shore
I did not know the dangers lurking at my soul’s door
But Jesus was there for he totally adores
deep down to my soul.
Now my soul is safe
I have a new life
from the misery of being a slave to sin
& mortal plight.
For Jesus was sad and sorrowful I do attest
he knew my depressing thoughts of total unhappiness.
Now with his Holy Spirit I have new eyes
I finally see and realize he Saved my life.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 26, 2018