Poet/Artist/Child of God/Heaven Flyer



Published on August 15, 2022

Aunt Audrey and me

One night in my dream
I had a vision that was real
as can be.
My Aunt Audrey came and stood up in front of me.
she was in her wheelchair
and looked at me.
I told the holy angels to
put her back down
she went back down without a sound.

I asked her ‘Do you confess your sins to Jesus? ‘

and she replied,
‘Yes, I confess my sins to Jesus’.
and all of heaven’s holy angels
tooted their horns in the sky.
Later it was confirmed through
high revelation with Jesus on His throne
that my Aunt Audrey is in heaven,
she made it home!
Thank You Jesus for saving my Aunt Audrey’s life
and Holy Spirit for convicting her spirit
with all Your miracles so divine.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on August 15, 2022


Baby Tommy is held by Lisa, while Anita looks on with the Kewpie doll in hand. Suzy and brother John look smile ahead.


 AIDS CAN BE PREVENTED We as a nation have turned our backs on the Holy One thinking we can solve our diseases like AIDS with medicine. Did you know AIDS could be prevented if we only understand fornication (sex without marriage)and having sex with the same sex–gives demons in the supernatural legal rights and put us in hex. Then we have a curse of AIDS –this I do attest. Fornication is against God’s will for mankind. God’s Holy Spirit wrote through man the spiritual laws and humans are to obey, if not the demons have their way. Like in plague that God gave to Pharaoh in Genesis 12:17 Genesis 12:17 However the LORD struck Pharaoh and his household with terrible plagues because of Sarai, Abram’s wife. These are demons or His angels who do the work for God which causes strife. God can have His angels bring destruction to a land, we need to understand. In Genesis 19:23-26 Lot made it out alive–but his wife looked back and died. Did you know that STD’s are really sexually transmitted demons? We need to understand God spiritual laws that if we don’t obey we fall-we are only human after all. We need the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in us once we confessed our sins to Jesus. We need to humble ourselves and look at the sins we committed in our flesh– for we need God who created our souls for eternity — we can choose life or death. God is holy and wants us to be the same. Yes we are human after all and we are born in shame– from Adam but we can be cleansed-by the blood of Jesus which can heal our corrupt souls. Deliver us from our ancestral curses and give us a new life once we are born again in Jesus Christ. God can bring down blessings from heaven which we thought we lost once we confess our ancestors and our sin, break family evil altars and walk with God so our souls won’t be lost. Written by Suzae Chevalier on May 19, 2019 Published May 19, 2019 on

If our countries churches were taught deliverance which was apart of the Great Commission we would not see so many people dying from AIDS, Alcohol, Suicide, Diabetes, Health Issues, the list goes on. These are all family curses and only the Holy Spirit can heal us from these diseases and adversities.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on May 19, 2019


You have to get the Holy Spirit before you die
if you don’t you won’t make it to heaven and
that is no lie.
The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit that brings life.
If you don’t go to Jesus Christ
and ask for forgiveness of sins–
You will have a life in eternity that is very dark and grim.
See Jesus was the final sacrifice for every human being alive
But false religions make it hard to know the truth
from a lie.
Seek God and have a personal relationship
not rituals that are from man–
God wants you to read His Holy Bible to understand
that Jesus His Son are one in the same
If you do not find out the True God–you will be to blame.
For God is sending people and calling you in the dark–
if you don’t seek Him your future will be a lark.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on May 7, 2019

There Once Was a Girl Named Suzy by Suzae Chevalier

Suzae signing children’s book for child.

There once was a girl named Suzy
who believed in Jesus
she was trying to figure out who he
really was…
and she wanted to know the answer from
God’s real Word because…
Because man had fallen into sin
Jesus came to make sure
we would be redeemed.
WE will be Saved…if we believe and confess
the Grace of God will take care of all the rest.
We who have been Saved
will go to Heaven to be with Jesus one day.
Now all this has been foretold,
The True Living God makes all the gold.
If God did not care
he wouldn’t have brought his
only Son
to redeem our soul and become
like the Holy One.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 28, 2018

Imagine What Heaven Will Be Like

Imagine what Heaven will be like
It will be of great wonder
For the rest of your life
It will be eternity
for your soul never dies
You will have a resurrected body
And a new life.
Imagine you will be with Jesus
And all angels, saints and family too
If you are saved in the spirit
When your life on earth is through.
So don’t live just for today
Live for eternity
Which will be forever and a day.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 26, 2018

Each Soul Needs To Be Redeemed by Suzae Chevalier

Each little soul shiny and bright—
needs to be redeemed to see the light.
The light of God in heaven at night—
for when we confess to Jesus Christ.
now we are redeemed
to be in his light
we have to be humble and sincere—
while we are on earth right here.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on September 7,2012
updated June 26, 2018

Honor Humans by Suzae Chevalier

Don’t Kill the babies

They are more than

What meets the eye

They are more than

family more than friends


They are from heaven


as gifts of delight

They have a

Human spirit

a body a soul–

they have a right

a right to live

like you and me.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on December 4, 2010

updated on March 15, 2019



Death of the soul is real. We are soul, body and spirit. If we are not born again in the spirit we will surely die. Our souls are eternal. We are either in hell for eternity or we are in heaven for eternity. And guess what? We have a spiritual body in heaven. I think I choose to make Jesus Christ my Savior. As Jesus said in John 14:6

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Will You Come To The LORD Jesus who died for you?

Your old body is passing away, and only your spiritual body and soul will be in the next life–heaven or hell. We will have to give an account for how we used our free will to God one day. We can’t help but sin, and God is holy and He wants us to be holy like Him through our LORD Jesus Christ–He’s the only way. On the Judgement day the verdict will be death if you are not Saved by the Lord Jesus Christ who conquered “Death” for all of us. Through Jesus you have eternal life. If you deny Jesus you have eternal death. Death in Hell. Hell is real as the nose on our face. I think all of humanity should be concerned about death and the afterlife and take it more seriously for this is your eternal soul we are talking about. God’s creation scientist can not come close to understanding the supernatural of God. Funny God created the scientists and they too will have to give an account on that day. That day to the Lord Jesus Christ.