Book of Life
There’s no one like you
on all of planet earth.
You were woven by God’s hand
before your birth.
Yes, you were known by God before
time began–
you are to be called to do
His purpose,
to give glory to God who gives
you gifts that are grand.
He loved you so much
as the prophets say
that Jesus His son
died for you on that
Good Friday.
You have a place in Jesus’s
This is were you make a new start.
So turn to Jesus and ask Him
for His forgiveness and grace.
You will be in the Book of Life
and get to see God’s face.
So call on Jesus for His spirit
once you are redeemed
He can heal you and build
your self esteem.
Remember Jesus loves you
and knows your very name
He can’t wait to see you
In heaven once again.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on March 31, 2018
updated on March 17, 2019