One True Life
Man in video below said he barely could straighten his back to stand up. He could only sit in the presence of Jesus Christ’s who is pure radiance. Jesus was a firm presence with a great feeling of justice, righteousness and love. Jesus Christ is the gate to get into heaven. This man submitted his “god of self” to the light of Jesus. Jesus is the Word made flesh. The invisible God. Jesus will dwell within you.
This man said his spiritual darkness put his soul in hell even while you are alive in front of Jesus, that is why he could not enter heaven. He had a lot of darkness in him. The spiritual laws of God this guy broke put his soul into hell before he received Jesus as Lord and Savior. You receive the Kingdom of God once you submit your will of self (god of self). You can’t bring your own god into God’s house. He receive God in him through Jesus Christ. He was shown by Jesus what earth looks like from above showing him a “little black dot” on earth. This dark dot was of satan on earth who was angry.
Jesus Christ didn’t condemn this guy. He was the good parent. Good parent will say “no” to a child so they won’t cross the street and get hit. Jesus says, “I want to see you in heaven, in eternity, in light, love and peace.” This world is dust, your soul is eternal.