Poet/Artist/Child of God/Heaven Flyer

Citizen of Heaven

Birthday Vacation 2000 by Suzae Chevalier

Are new birthday is when we are born again in the Spirit with our Lord Jesus Christ.



Year 2000 early spring

I was staying in the “Stratosphere”

I went to the top, and looked down with fear.

Now I heard Tom Cruise took the sky jump down

I’m afraid of heights–

I don’t want to break my crown better to walk around the town.

We walked down the strip-

looking at all things hip–

like the Treasure Island ship.

That was some kind of a show

a spectacular in itself with things a glow.

Now many sights we did see–

like 2 parrots flying to their masters as pretty as can be.

we went to a Race Rock Cafe where cars hung free-


so we celebrated at a restaurant

with cars in air

All good things do come to an end

I had to get back home with my friend.

A baby was crying on the plane

now my birthday was that very day.

That little incident made my trip

I should put into a strip.

Written by Suzae Chevalier February 21, 2011