It was the year 1989
I was in my twenties looking quite fine.
Older man Dave would use pen to sign
contract to prevent envelope company
from printing my greeting card Valentine.
Harvey who wrote “Swim with the Sharks”
had a salesman I left scared in the dark.
Salesman didn’t really know
contract that says not to show.
To make this happen I went to the Secretary of State
Incorporated under Chevalier Originals as the name.
Then I bought a suite for big tall Dave
made him my Vice President,
chauffeur, butler all in one day.
Driving down highway 280 we did get lost
but luckily we found the envelope office.
Company door handle was in big gold letter M
I walked through it with Dave my friend.
Going into a board room with world map on the wall
sitting at a large board room table amazed with it all.
Then salesman walks in with himself and no pen
I pull out a fancy one which I did lend.
Then Dave, salesman and me all did sign, a Confidentiality contract
sealing this date in time!
Laughing with the a Score representative whose retired & old
He said “Envelope co. can’t touch my designs with a 10 foot pole.”
Written by Suzae Chevalier Feb. 17, 2011
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