Art Experiences
It was the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival
two thousand fourteen–
Chalk painters would have to paint a Hollywood movie scene.
I painted again in front of Rooney Imports store
crowds came with a lot cameras galore.
Kavasutra Kava Bar was playing their music outside-
with speakers on the roof –they did not hide.
A friend down the street
said she saw a clip of me-
in the morning on Fox News
from last year when I had an interview.
This clip was on before the Oscars in 2013
also after it for it was about what’s happening.
Next year will be my last festival I will paint-
I will wear a princess outfit that looks really quaint.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on September 26 ,2015
updated on April 6, 2019
Night Of The Dog by Suzae Chevalier
Filmed in L.A. and
shown in Palm Beach
the crew of this film
was peachy peach.
Funny film that
I did see, I photographed
the crew in West Palm Beach
also at the hotel named the Gulfstream.
Now I have photos of Jeremy, two Peters
Michael, Eshom and Ian–
These are comic Actors worth seeing.
Especially when one cast member
kissed Razel puppet on the lips–
this photo is totally hilarious!
Now catch this NIGHT OF THE DOG on DVD–
You will laugh and then you will see
this movie is worth admission times three.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 2nd 2011

Flower With Butterflies by Suzae Chevalier
Hummingbird Hotel
For it has stories to be told one is about Al Capone.
He stayed with his gang on one of the floors
betting on a team that would have a top score.
Betting on a boxing match
that was played in Chicago
little did anyone literally know.
Many years later I would paint on the sidewalk
just outside–
I was happy and filled with pride.
I was a rogue artist that did not give up–
even when they said there was no more spots.
Now this year the
Hummingbird hotel will be reopened
Thank you Winston
for sharing what you know
and letting be in the Street Painting show.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 21, 2011