Hummingbird Hotel
For it has stories to be told one is about Al Capone.
He stayed with his gang on one of the floors
betting on a team that would have a top score.
Betting on a boxing match
that was played in Chicago
little did anyone literally know.
Many years later I would paint on the sidewalk
just outside–
I was happy and filled with pride.
I was a rogue artist that did not give up–
even when they said there was no more spots.
Now this year the
Hummingbird hotel will be reopened
Thank you Winston
for sharing what you know
and letting be in the Street Painting show.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 21, 2011
Jack Barry who was born on April 17th
Born a day before and did succeed–
He was a great friend and artist indeed.
He took me to lunch when I first came
To the “Artist Hut”.
Yes, Jack had a studio in Flamingo Park
Next to railroad tracks where dogs always barked.
He did all kinds of style painting–
Fresco he was known for—
I have his one big painting by my door.
He was a great storyteller and a U.S. Vet-
He had a very interesting life of all the people
I have met.
I inherited his butterfly necklace people do see–
When I wear it around my neck all sparkly.
Thanks Jack for being a friend to me.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 30, 2015
Poem Dedicated to Jack Barry
April 17, 1948- Aug. 7, 2013
Bright Flower Paintings That Bloom
Bright colored flowers start to bloom
with colored chalk in the activity room.
Residents use chalk to paint their flowers
that come to life–
I place strings at top of painting like a kite.
There finished chalk art hangs on their walls–
they are happy I shared my chalk–
they had a ball.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 17th 2015
ARTIST NANCY WALLER by Suzae Chevalier
I remember hearing a voice,
“go down this road” was the choice.
Road 42nd Street West in south Minneapolis.
Great visual artist I would meet,
She drew wild life animals detailed and neat.
Nancy Waller was her name,
she drew endangered species
to help bring about awareness and change.
she was the best artist I loved her most of all,
she went to her see her at the museum,
took photos with her that where very pleasing.
I was happy for Nancy designed,
coloring books as cute and fine.
Nancy got my books off to a great start,
she inspired me and has a pure heart.
Thank you Nancy for inspiration and passion too,
you’re a great artist, through and through.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on September 19, 2011
updated on March 6, 2019