Poet/Artist/Child of God/Heaven Flyer


A SOULMATE IS A MIRROR by Suzae Chevalier


We all wish to have a soulmate
that is true–
when your hearts are together
like glue.
but I realize now
you want someone that has
found Jesus
and is Saved–
for you both are equally yoked
and you both are the same.
Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 27, 2018

Written by Suzae Chevalier on September 14, 2012



Henry says sensational words to me…

that flow like honey during spiritual retreat.

His words “The love and the light that we are”…

make me feel like a shining star.

See Henry has a way with words…

his healing CD is the best I’ve heard.

His voice has a very healing sound that fills in the spaces all around.

“Creating Space” is what he says

to make us feel more empowered and totally blessed.

“Starting a new in all that you create today”

his words of wisdom is one of the ways.

Henry brings healing to his sound sessions in Delray.

His instruments have soothing sound to my ear

making relax and be in good cheer.

Thank you Henry for your thoughtfulness and insight-

and making the earth a better place

with your kindness and loving grace.

Visit Henry at www.henryleper.com

Written by Suzae Chevalier on August 25, 2015

updated on March 26, 2019

Bora Bora Button


Suzae in Bora Bora 2005

Riding in a taxi around the mountain side
I was in Bora Bora have a very fun time.
I was with an islander who wore
an island gown
we were being driven all around Bora Bora’s towns.
Taxi driver was sweet so I gave him a button that sparkled not glowed.
He wore on his dress to the Pearl Jewelry store,
the pearl jewelry owner remembered me
who she adored.
For we met her in the airports first class waiting room
she recognized me and when I  sung a tune.
Jewelry store lady said “I saw you on a button when the
taxi driver came in—he was very happy to have met you both—
he is a true fan.”
One day I will go back and visit, I hope his button is holding up
if not I will give many more he can wear around to the shops.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on June 27,2012

updated on January 22, 2019

Bora Bora Connection


Suzae in Bora Bora

Bora Bora was an island with strong connection

The Air Tahiti Nui logo is a flower that I draw
it is in my children’s book
I never before saw.
I also have a birthday ceremonial chair
they use the same chair in these islands
when people get married-
it has an extra flair.
Now Paul Gauguin was a French painter
who painted a fruit basket with a knife—
I would like to revisit Bora Bora
like Gauguin did who lived there at end of his life.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on April 17,2012

updated on March 25, 2019

Birthday Vacation 2000 by Suzae Chevalier

Are new birthday is when we are born again in the Spirit with our Lord Jesus Christ.



Year 2000 early spring

I was staying in the “Stratosphere”

I went to the top, and looked down with fear.

Now I heard Tom Cruise took the sky jump down

I’m afraid of heights–

I don’t want to break my crown better to walk around the town.

We walked down the strip-

looking at all things hip–

like the Treasure Island ship.

That was some kind of a show

a spectacular in itself with things a glow.

Now many sights we did see–

like 2 parrots flying to their masters as pretty as can be.

we went to a Race Rock Cafe where cars hung free-


so we celebrated at a restaurant

with cars in air

All good things do come to an end

I had to get back home with my friend.

A baby was crying on the plane

now my birthday was that very day.

That little incident made my trip

I should put into a strip.

Written by Suzae Chevalier February 21, 2011

James The Interesting Cat – Poem by Suzae Chevalier


James Venable of Black Door Films

James is his name and video is his game
he makes funny videos that are off the chain.
He admires all musicians from recent to past
like pianist Beethoven and Miles Davis’s original jazz.
James is a musician himself in his studio he has instruments.
Yes, masks that are totally cool, but his drums are original too.
Both have an African feel, even an island décor that is seems surreal.
James is from New York and wears a lot of bling
he wears a hat with sunglasses which is favorite thing.
He looks like a cool cat that has seen it all
especially in NYC where he was on the ball.
For he shot interesting photos for a famous magazine
he shot video interesting but clean.
James has a kind heart for he photographed me for free
at an Indian clothing store owned by John A. Rooney.
Thanks James for believing in the artist in me
and all the children you inspire and teach.
I forgot to tell you, my cousin really like the
wood airplane that was his favorite gift.

By Suzae Chevalier on August 23,2011

Updated on March 25, 2019

Spontaneous Photographer Allen Scwartz by Suzae Chevalier


Photographer Allen Schwartz


Click, click Allen’s camera goes
he clicks away as I pose…
At the Hazelden Art Show
I had on display my inspirational poems.
Allen interviewed me back in 1999
he asked me about my books I was working on at the time.
Allen invited me down to the Sunshine state
he introduced me to artist at the ‘Hut’ which was great!
introducing me to artists like Alan, Jack Barry and Harry
Allen took photographs of party very merry!
Allen recorded me one day in the quaint Lake Worth town
with artist Harvey who had fun going around.
Allen then had dark hair with a new style-
I found this photograph of him and it brought me a smile.
I just saw Allen on Thanksgiving this year
Allen again who was full of good cheer.
Thanks Allen for being a friend with a playful soul-
I look forward to more of your fun photos that glow!

Written by Suzae Chevalier on November 28,2013

Northwood Tree by Suzae Chevalier


The year was 2017
I was painting in Northwood West Palm
painting outside on street
I painted clouds and a tree.
Group painted all day
we kept painting till storm went away.
Stopped in Toys R Us–
great results of fellow painters galore.
All paintings will be in art show some day
I will put my artwork on suzae.

Written by Suzae Chevalier on August 10, 2011

updated on July 17, 2018


Donna The Creative Artist by Suzae Chevalier

Certain objects are cursed by God. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Donna with her very keen eye

gives me advice on my book illustration design.

She has given me great advice

its nice to have another idea modified.

She is an visual artist herself as well

she even gave makeup advice for a show.

She was there to support me you know.

Thank you Donna for all your generosity

and your help at the Birthday book reading!

Written by Suzae Chevalier on February 14, 2012

updated on September 28, 2018